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SBT in Action: The Simple Scala Build Tool pdf
SBT in Action: The Simple Scala Build Tool pdf

SBT in Action: The Simple Scala Build Tool. Josh Suereth, Matthew Farwell

SBT in Action: The Simple Scala Build Tool
ISBN: 9781617291272 | 325 pages | 9 Mb

Download SBT in Action: The Simple Scala Build Tool

SBT in Action: The Simple Scala Build Tool Josh Suereth, Matthew Farwell
Publisher: Manning Publications Company

The idea of a high quality build tool for Scala is indeed simple, but sbt itself is richly-featured and powerful. SBT in Action: The simple Scala build tool(2015) by Josh Suereth, Matthew Farwell. SBT in Action: The Simple Scala Build Tool. HomePage, Jsuereth has 80 repositories written in Scala, Shell, and Java. SBT in Action: The simple Scala build tool (2015) by Josh Suereth, Matthew Farwell. Akka is a Scala-based toolkit that simplifies developing concurrent distributed SBT in Action: The simple Scala build tool by Josh Suereth Paperback $43.84. Debugging Scala code with simple-build-tool (sbt) and IntelliJ Class:" name, and choose "Before launch: Run SBT Action 'test-compile'". Download Chapter(s) Now; Spark GraphX in Action The idea of a high quality build tool for Scala is indeed simple, but sbt itself is richly-featured and powerful. Activator includes the sbt build tool, a quick-start GUI, and a catalog of template applications. For tutorial purposes, the Activator UI has a simple editor and the ability to compile, test, and Use sbt (via Activator) to compile Java and Scala code, run tests, package JARs and Docker Play and Scala meetup: sbt in Action. DESCRIPTION Simple Build Tool: sbt. SBT in Action is first and foremost a tutorial about effectively building Scala projects. SBT in Action (Manning Publications) HomePage, Joshua Suereth and Matthew Farwell discuss SBT (Simple Build Tool) and their new book SBT in Action. Build Tool David Galichet (@Xebia) Jonathan Winandymercredi 23 … Full configuration Defined in project/Build.scala : import sbt. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for SBT in Action: The simple Scala build tool at SBT (Simple Build Tool)

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